Tampa Electric Helps Customers Save Money with Newly Revamped Program

One of Tampa Electric’s longtime favorite programs has returned to help you save a few dollars on your electric bill.

Prime Time PlusSM is a free and easy way to earn credits on your electric bill, saving you money each month, up to $144 a year. It does this by letting Tampa Electric reduce electricity use during periods of extremely high demand.

Here’s how Tampa Electric’s Prime Time Plus program works.

Prime Time Plus offers a way to help keep energy costs low for all customers. Peak demand can occur at any time, but typically happens in the morning (winter months) or afternoon (summer months). By reducing demand, we can avoid the need to invest in additional power plants.

When you participate in Prime Time Plus, you’re helping to preserve natural resources, to delay the need for more power plants and to keep energy costs lower for everyone. Learn more and sign up for Prime Time Plus at Or call 813-275-3909 weekdays between 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Longtime Tampa Electric customers may remember the original Prime Time program, which closed in 2016. We have revamped and updated the program with state-of-the-art equipment and a convenient app.

Tampa Electric offers more energy saving programs than any utility in the state. Ask the company’s energy experts about rebates available when you install energy-efficient windows, Energy Star smart thermostats, Energy Star pool pumps, heating and cooling equipment and more. View a complete list of programs for home at and business at

Tampa Electric, one of Florida’s largest investor-owned electric utilities, serves about 830,000 customers in West Central Florida. Tampa Electric is a subsidiary of Emera Inc., a geographically diverse energy and services company headquartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
